
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Robson's Percent Post

*Percent means out of 100, it is an equivalent fraction that is out of 100.

*Here is how we find-
  10 out of a hundred-10/100-All you have to do is divide 100 by 10.
  Half Of 100 50/100-You divide 100 by 2 because 50 is half of 100
  Quarter of 100-25/100-Divide 100 by 4 because 4 25's is 100 so you do the opposite
  One out of a hundred-1/100-You divide 100 by 100 because if you divide any number by itself you will get 1.

*Percent is Latin for percentum or per 100. We can also use French, Per=out of and cent=100.
*Why percents revolve around 100 is a very hot topic, my genius has helped in figuring it out. We use 100 because it is a friendly number and is and easy number to use better than using the number 69.
*You can also go above the 100/100 barrier by doing something like 205/100. This form of fraction is called top heavy or an improper fraction. For every 100 in 205 it will equal to 1 whole making this 2 wholes and 5 hundredths.
*You may see 100 in % because there are zeros on both sides of the fraction line and the fraction line somehow represents 1.
*We can use simple things for fractions we can use apples.
40 Apples  100 Percentage               What you do on one side you have to do to the other.    
40/4=100     100/4=25
40/10=4       100/10=10
40/100=0.4  100/100=1
40/1=40       100/1=100

2. *180%-

   *12 3/4% - 



Converting Fractions,Percents and Decimals

Converting fractions to percent and decimals

To turn this fraction into a decimal you have to divide the numerator by the denominator.
ex. 5÷40=0.125
To turn this decimal into a percent you have to multiply the decimal by 100.
ex.0.125 x 100 = 1.25
Now you must be confused by my amazing math. This is how I did it.
0.125 over 1. 0.125 x 100 now what you do to the numerator you do with the denominator so
0.125 x 100 now since 0.125/1 you have to multiply the 1 by 100 so 100.
now its 12.5 over 100 12.5/100.

Converting decimals to fractions and percents

To turn this decimal into a fraction you have to figure out which place value this number i in.
ex. 0.070/1000
Now you have to multiply the numerator by the digits of the numerator.
ex. 0.070 x 1000= 70
This forces the decimal into a "regular number".Now you have to divide this number by 2 and do the same for the denominator.
ex. 70÷2=35/1000÷2=500
You cant go any further because you cant divide 35 by 2 and get an even number.
To turn fractions into percents you have to divide your numerator by your denominator.
ex. 35÷500=0.07 
Now you have to multiply this number by 100.
ex. 0.07 x 100 = 7%

Converting percents to decimals and fractions

To turn this percent into a decimal you have to divide your percent by 100
ex. 40÷100= 0.4
Now to turn this decimal into a fraction.
You have to multiply the decimal by 100.
ex. 0.4 x 100 =40/ 100

Percent of a Number
*Percent of a number is the next part of this exercise. Show how you could solve the following using mental math and a calculator

*20% of 60 - 20% ÷ 100 = 0.2 x 60 =12

*0.1% of 40 - 0.1% ÷ 100 x 40 = 0.001 =0.04

*250% of 400 - 250% ÷ 100 = 2.5 x 400 =1,000

Combining Percent

*Combining Percents is the last part of this post. You need to explain Discount, Sale price and Total Price with taxes. I also need  you to explain what is better deal 50% off or 25% off of an already reduced price of 25% This can be done using the following Questions,

No 25% and 25% combined are not the same as 50%. This is not the same because if you calculate 25 divided by 100 then multiply by the price. ex. 25 ÷ 100 x 150 =$37.50 - 150 = 112.5
Now it's a reduced price you have to drop the price by 25 again 25 ÷ 100 x 112.5 = $29.25 - $112.50=  $83.25

50% of 150 - 50% ÷ 100 x 150 =$75.00

$75.00 < $83.25

$75.00 is a better deal because it costs less than $83.25




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